society and culture

All posts tagged society and culture

Miniatura and Modelismo are a passion for much people. Who likes, costuma even though to dedicate much time to this activity, arriving to collect and to invest money in this. Specialized magazines exist, but the Internet becomes the things most global. Click CBS for additional related pages. Currently blogs on modelismo and miniatures exist diverse that beyond informing, also serve of bridge between people who if interest on the subject. One of the explored subjects more in the world of the miniatures is the houses of dolls. Men and Women of the world all are interested themselves for this niche and develop detailed projects extremely. All account, of the walls to the details of the furniture. In Brazil still few store specialized in this exist and therefore we do not have as many people that they work with projects of this type.

The greaters blogs in Portuguese language on the subject finish being written of Portugal. ' ' My house in miniatura' ' blogs is one of these. The blogueira gotten passionate for dolls is constructing to a miniature of its house and costuma to show to the project in the minimum details, creating excellent posts on its process of creation. Another one blog of Terrinha that costuma to enchant is ' ' There Belle Cuisine' '. As the proper name already says, focado it in products, tools and accessories of kitchen. With a detalhista and organized work, it obtains to enchant to all with its parts that can even though be a reproduction of soap box in dust or a cod piece. Another subject that costuma very to be explored is the car miniatures, that also they can be called modelismo. Blog Rubinho Miniature is an excellent space on this thematic one.

The owner of blog is gotten passionate by Car Stock and always possesss many miniatures of this category, dividing the photos with the readers. He also has the gotten passionate ones for models of old cars. The Blog Didas is perfect for those people who like exactly are of the classics. Beyond the photos of the ready miniatures, also it is possible to find the target of the project and all the stages of this minute project. If you also possess a passion, you use to advantage to create one blog on it. He is easy, gratis and you still go if to amuse knowing other people!

Brazil and China are geographically distant countries, but in last the one hundred years its relations had been if developing and today, on for the economy, today we have forts partner-economic and cultural relations with ' ' Asitico&#039 dragon; '. Analizando the history of China and its relations with Brazil, we can see that good part of the interest of the Chinese for the country and vice versa, has to have with the current Zone of Chinese Special Administration, the city of Macau. This city that before was a colony of Portugal, and different of brazilian the Portuguese settling in ground, in the south of China the Portuguese had integrated its culture with the one of the Chinese of the region having created a bridge between the world lusfono and the east. During centuries XVII and XVIII, many products of Macau arrived at the Brazilian ports, being they, artistic silk, fans, objects, medicinal plants and so on. Beyond these products, they had come some Chinese immigrants to Brazil, who cultivated tea in the region that today, is the State of Rio De Janeiro, some historians understanding this histrio moment as the beginning of Chinese immigration in Brazil. Today thousands of Chinese in the country, being of cantoneses, hakkaneses, taiwaneses, Chinese etinias Chinese different, as of the etinia exist han that they in such a way contribute for the increase of the relations bell-Brazilians in the economy how much in the culture. Had to the great Brazilian number of Chinese in ground negotiating with its known and familiar in China, the Portuguese language left of being only one reality of Macau and gained more relevance in all Continental China. Beyond this cultural intecambio through immigrants and decendentes, in the decade of 1940, the Chinese government initiated a process of incentive to the learning of other languages, beyond the different dialects said in its extension.