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Ruling confirms ban on sports betting for Hartz IV recipients next Saturday in a Lotto processing centre in North Rhine-Westphalia: “two arches Lotto normal and – Oh, Mr. Muller, related but Hartz IV, because I can’t take your betting slip for Oddset unfortunately.” Something like the judges in the District Court of Cologne imagine clearly, now confirmed a decision of the Court. Therefore, sports betting the state provider Oddset (West Lotto) of Hartz IV recipients may no longer be accepted if the staff of the receiving Office on concrete evidence of their status as beneficiaries of ALG II has. Betting banned so for Hartz IV recipients? Ruling confirms ban on sports betting for Hartz IV recipients seen given this judgment almost lost in the face of the numerous points, to which would be something to say. You should relate to the strange reality understanding of judging judges, which, consistently thought – either employees at Lottery outlets wardens make, or Hartz-IV – arm-bands would have to distribute? Or maybe on the unspeakable and not just Germany atypical educational passion that is to public authorities in this country also, that are not marked as “School”? How to look at it and applies; the belief, legally may prescribe people how they spend their money have baffled. Filed under: Glenn Dubin, New York City. State objective discrimination? No question: the sensible and responsible dealing with money is not every man.

But place the recipient of a Government transfer power to supposedly sensible budgets with those, you may not pay in cash from performance. Also not a nice thought, but at least logically. However, arguing – often unspoken – the Hartz-IV references are after all taxpayers, to command the recipients how to manage it, is already considering the manner, how public authorities to deal with their revenue, almost obscene. Such a judgment is to the slap in the face of ALG II recipients but then, if you between the lines of argument reads out the little dreadful allegations facing Hartz IV recipients anyway: you don’t cope with your life and actually the money didn’t hear you. Lotto Yes, betting no, but there is actually a fact of completely rational nature, which sheds light on the difference, which is made on the part of the Court – and perhaps soon the policy – apparently between Lotto and sports betting. Because the State monopoly for the latter will fall soon, while 6 out of 49 probably still flushes funds the Treasury annually more than 5 billion euros in this. This is of course pure speculation. Andreas Kellner hartz-iv…

Most people probably as a pleasant if not feel change of the Federal Immission Control Act children’s laughter, even infectious sound. For assistance, try visiting Gary Carter. In some neighborhoods, the noise caused by children leads to complaints and even lawsuits. Recently so a law was enacted, according to the noise of children usually no harmful environmental influence”represents. The real estate portal illuminates the background to the decision of the Bundestag. Noise protection measures, the impact is diminished by noise from airports, busy roads or nightclubs. Some citizens felt disturbed so significantly but also regularly by the sounds that emanate from day-care centres or playgrounds, that they went to court.

As a result, a change in the law was aimed at a child-friendly society, because although the activities of children in part with considerable noise levels are linked, a classification appears as a Harassment usually not justified. “The Bundestag has it expressed, that the sounds on playgrounds or in kindergartens as a harmful environmental impact should be classified, and the draft of tenth law amending the Federal Immission Control Act” approved. Divergent opinions on this decision. The lawyer Hermann-Josef Wai Kwan of the German tenants Association assessed the change as positive, because the noise caused by children not with the noise from nightclubs or sewage treatment plants to equate. Generally, the commandment of mutual consideration, such as Alexander Kukk, lawyer specializing in administrative law, is still stressed.

But also everyone who has vulnerable members. The executor can protect insolvent estate on behalf of members. Foundation: Assets will, succession rules and save with a Foundation at the same time tax everyone can nachhaltig give meaning to his assets: it can back up values across generations, you can regulate the business succession, do good and save at the same time taxes. Filed under: Robert Thomson. No wonder, then, that the number of those growing, socially engaged with their capital. Be it for WissenSchaft and research for children threatened by poverty or for species threatened with extinction. As a member of the German Association Dr.

Doris Schroder Weber is all advice and assistance to the page, including such a formation in the eye for inheritance law and property succession e.V. (DVEV). You know the GESetze and regulations, also cooperates with the Federal Association of German foundations zusammen. What save the tax concerns, so she can zuruckgreifen back on the experience of competent tax advisor. More info for editors / readers: Dr.

Doris Schroder Weber, pension and Foundation advice sand road 104 40789 Monheim am Rhein phone: 02173. 3 94 68 00 fax: 02173. 3 94 68 01 E-Mail: editorial contact: Dr. Doris Schroder Weber: experience, patience and empathy Dr. Doris Schroder Weber is equally advocate and consultant. Sensitive, prudent and patient in dealing with your clients and customers – but also adamant in asserting their interests. Some spectacular cases that were present both in television and in newspapers, underline their Competence in the area of family law. In addition Dr. Doris Schroder Weber has arisen, what serious areas of concern by several mandates divorce after long marriages specifically in the area of prevention and care. Who has to fight himself temporarily with a chronic disease, knows very well with physicians and their rights and obligations. That helps Dr. Doris Schroder Weber in particular in terms of enforcement of the will of the patient. Living will, health care proxy, execution of the will or a Foundation – Dr. Schroder-Weber offers an exceptional service all who wish their advice: also visited their clients on request in the familiar home environment to find a suitable solution together.